Privacy Policy


At Showtime AV, we understand the importance of respecting our customers' privacy and are dedicated to responsible information handling practices.

We believe in following these privacy principles in our conduct of collecting, using, releasing and securing customer information, both online and offline:

  • Giving you NOTICE of our information practices.

  • Providing you with CHOICES about how your data will be used.

  • Allowing you the opportunity to UPDATE or CORRECT your personal information.

  • Using appropriate information SECURITY measures.

  • Never SHARING your information with third-party companies.

  • Committing to COMPLY with relevant privacy requirements.

  • Offering a way to CONTACT US with privacy-related issues.


The following Privacy Policy outlines the information and privacy practices for Showtime AV. By visiting our website, you agree to the practices described in this policy.

We are dedicated to protecting the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personal and corporate information. We have established Privacy Principles to govern our use of customer information.

We do not share, sell or distribute Customer Information with any third-party organization.


Showtime AV takes responsibility for maintaining and protecting customer information under its control.

Identifying Purposes

We will identify the purposes for which customer information is collected before or at the time the information is collected.


We will only collect, use, or disclose customer information with the knowledge and consent of the customer, except where required or permitted by law.

Limiting Collection

We will only collect customer information necessary for the purposes identified by Showtime AV, and this information will be collected using fair and lawful means.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

Customer information will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected, unless the customer has provided consent or when it is required or permitted by law. Customer information will only be retained for the period required to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.


Customer information will be maintained in as accurate, complete, and up-to-date form as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is to be used.

Safeguarding Customer Information

Customer information will be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity level of the information.


Showtime AV is committed to making information available to customers concerning the policies and practices that apply to the management of their information.

Customer Access

Upon request, a customer will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of their information and will be given access to it. Customers may verify the accuracy and completeness of their information and request that it be amended, if necessary.

Handling Customer Complaints and Suggestions

Customers can direct any questions or concerns regarding the privacy principles outlined above or about our practices to the designated person(s) accountable for privacy at Showtime AV.

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